Glasbury Arts has started a pilot harps in schools project in partnership with Gwernyfed High School, available to ten pupils to demonstrate the educational, cultural and wellbeing value to young people of playing the iconic national instrument of Wales. Although schools in what are defined as deprived areas receive additional joint Welsh Assembly Government and Arts Council Wales grants for music, a relatively small number of state schools in Wales offer harp tuition as part of the curriculum (and limited other music tuition), primarily because of the cost. This is the same reason families on low or average income (the majority) cannot afford to do so privately, either. If it were not for fee paying schools, harp playing in Wales would die out. Our harps in schools pilot scheme is a very small beginning but we want to expand it to at least two more schools next year, increase the numbers of lessons available and extend it from one year to three. When this awful COVID-19 virus is over our arts programmes for young people and adults alike will be needed more than ever.