We support the Fitzrovia community's most vulnerable members. This means that all of our services are either free or provided on a 'pay what you can' basis. We never turn people away and local residents can always pop in for a chat, some company and join in an activity which will improve their wellbeing.
We work tirelessly to fundraise from trusts, foundations and corporate partners to enable us to offer these services at low cost. This grant funding is almost always for the delivery of projects and services. But we also need funds to pay staff salaries and bills - the least exciting parts of running a charity, but they are also absolutely crucial. Without our amazing staff team or our wonderful building, we would not be able to function.
Unrestricted donations like those you can make through Just Giving help keep our charity running. Your donation will help us continue supporting the community of Fitzrovia now and in the future. We thank you for any amount you are able to give.
Visit our website to learn more.
You can also support us through the amazing easyfundraising scheme - find out how to on this link >
Huge thanks in advance for your support, it means so much to us.