To help those families and households who are experiencing difficulties in paying their Gas and Electricity bills, the EG Lions have been running a ‘Warm Over Winter Campaign’. WOW is a Lions initiative to help those who find themselves in fuel poverty by paying a small top-up directly to their energy suppliers.
Your kind financial support by buying a Prize Advent Calendar or some Christmas cards will enable us to continue to make payments to those who are in most need. The campaign is already directly helping those who live in East Grinstead and the surrounding villages.
We are working with local agencies of social prescribers (in Doctor’s surgeries), such as Age UK, Being Neighbourly, Citizens Advice, West Sussex CC Adult Services and EG Foodbank who are able to identify those people in need and make referrals. The system works by referral only – the agencies mentioned above refer people in need to us. Your support will make a real difference to many people’s lives who on a daily basis are having to make the hard decision to ‘heat or eat’.
Please click on the Donate button above; or visit the Club's website for other methods of donating:
Thank you.