Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, restrictions mean we can no longer meet in groups; we cant sing collectively and we cant play music in venues. We are all struggling with feeling isolated and with the loss of human contact. For Deafblind people this is a daily experience worsened during Covid. Deafblindness can cause extreme loneliness, one member described her life "like living in a cupboard with the door closed.
We celebrated a major milestone this year with the 5th anniversary of The BSL (Scotland) Act. The impact of having this act has meant that if a Deafblind BSL User or Tactile BSL User approaches any authority Scotland wide and needs access to provisions or social services then they have right for information on this to be provided for in BSL. The inclusion of Tactile BSL in this legislation was something we campaigned rigorously for and therefore felt it important to incorporate this celebration into our Christmas campaign.
The Keeping the Spirit of Christmas Alive campaign will focus on learning to sign a Christmas song, Jingle Bells. We will provide links to a video and we will mail DVD copies to anyone requesting our fundraising pack. We would love for you to be involved and celebrate a #DeafblindSpiritOfChristmas.