Five years ago, a local Campaign Committee was created to fight the planned development of up to 200 new homes on the Windsor Road Fields in Denton, Tameside. Early in 2018, the Council reviewed its housing development strategy and finally agreed to abandon its plans for these new homes retaining the status of the fields as protected green space. The Council was prepared to allocate part of the fields for wider community use.
The Committee was determined to continue its work to protect and enhance the open space, promoting environmental awareness and education. In October 2019, a major public consultation exercise was organised to test local support for this initiative. Feedback was overwhelmingly positive.
The Dane Bank Green Space Charity, established in 2020, has recently secured a 25-year lease on two sites including three ponds and a one-hectare field. The Charity has successfully bid for seed funding from the Big Lottery and Postcode Lottery to begin the first phase of environmental improvements. These include hedge and tree planting, site enclosure, and the creation of safe public access to this green space for the first time in 50 years.
We are seeking further funding and support to help achieve our overall aspirations during set-up and our first year of operation.