Christmas may be a time to celebrate with family and friends, but for many it is one of the most isolating and lonely times of the year.
They don't have anyone to exchange a gift with and have no time to spare in which to cook a Christmas meal.
This is the devastating reality for many Carers, aged 65 years and over, who are caring for people with debilitating conditions such as dementia.
Carers were already under pressure before the COVID-19 pandemic, but now over 55% are worried they are going to burn out, 37% struggle to make ends meet, and 47% are cutting back on food and heating to cope. Source: Carers UK, 2020.
Caring takes a huge toll on the mental and physical health of Carers with over 70% of Older Carers reporting an extreme lack of social contact and having at least one long-term health problem themselves.
No Older Carer should have to feel the pain of loneliness, especially during the festive season.
Can you help to Show an Act of Kindness and lift the spirits of an Older Carer this Christmas?
For just £25, our staff and volunteers will deliver a Christmas hamper filled with delicious goodies to the borough's most isolated, vulnerable and hardworking unpaid Carers.
What unpaid Carers in our community say about Crossroads Care Richmond and Kingston upon Thames:
Life's been very difficult since lockdown. My husband does not understand social distancing or wearing a face mask. He's suddenly started to swear in public and this is very embarrassing. I am desperate for two hours of support to go shopping. It's impossible to take him.
It was so good to talk to people who really understand what caring for someone with dementia during this time is like.