FAST UK invite you to host a Cakes and Smiles coffee event on 15th February to celebrate International Angelman Day (IAD) and more importantly, it is an opportunity to raise awareness of Angelman syndrome on a global scale.
Since its creation in 2013, International Angelman Day has been the driving force in uniting AS families and patient organisations from all around the world around a common purpose – Angelman syndrome. The day is observed by over 50 charitable/support organisations based in over 40 countries around the world. These organisations are family-driven and all support people with Angelman syndrome, their families, caregivers, and service providers. They initiate and promote research for AS and create educational resources.
What is the purpose of International Angelman Day?
Raise Angelman syndrome awareness worldwide.
Mobilise people to action & encourage fundraising for the AS organisation in their country.
Promote research and educational resources in the organisation’s own country.
Remember those people with Angelman syndrome who are no longer with us.