Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) is a hereditary condition that damages the peripheral nerves. These nerves run from the spinal cord to the extremities and are responsible for passing on commands from the brain to the muscles in the arms and legs, and for passing information back to the brain about sensations, such as pain, heat, cold and touch. Because of the nerve damage, people with CMT may find that their muscles particularly in their hands, arms, feet and lower legs become weaker over time, and the sense of feeling can become dull or numb in the same areas.
In the UK, some 25,000 people are thought to have CMT (approx: 1 in 2,500) making it the most common inherited neurological condition. Hereditary Neuropathy with Pressure Palsy (HNPP) is a condition that is linked to CMT with comparable symptoms.
CMTUK is a small national-reaching UK charity, proudly supporting people living with Charcot-Marie-Tooth. We rely on fundraising donations to help us provide essential services to our community, make the wider community more aware of the condition and support further research.
If you would like to help towards the #CMTAwarenessMonth appeal, here are some suggestions of how you can help:
1. Make a one-off donation (click on the pink GIVE NOW button above)
2. Create your OWN fundraiser to fundraise for the #CMTAwarenessMonth campaign. So we can track the campaign fundraising all in one place, simply click on the orange START FUNDRAISING button to set up your own JustGiving page to support this campaign, then select 'doing your own thing' option, add your event name and click on 'edit your page' to change the wording and image to your own fundraiser details.
3. Spread the word! Feel free to share our social media posts on Facebook , Instagram or Twitter during October.
* £5 can go towards providing a free awareness pack (If you would like to request a free pack, contact us here )
* £10 can go towards providing an essential telephone helpline;
* £25 can go towards providing medical professionals with further information;
* £50 can go towards funding the annual conference and making it more accessible for our community;
* £75 can go towards raising awareness;
* £100 can go towards supporting our community.