Running a marathon takes hard work, grit and determination, and months of preparation. Then, in a few hours, it's all over, and all that's left is a medal, maybe leg cramps, and a fantastic sense of satisfaction!
Lynn is doing this because she loves running, and she loves to do what she can to help others.
We can make her running all the more valuable - because it's the dedication of others supporting her efforts that will make all the difference. Others who also give time and energy to this, who show the same grit and determination, and who, when it's all over, might not have cramps, but will share the same sense of satisfaction.
Thank you to each one of you who gives towards our target. Whether little or large, individual or corporate donors - you are awesome!
And then it's over to the inspiring volunteers at Community Lives Matter who in turn will persevere and go the extra mile to see vulnerable people in our community supported and blessed. Thank you one and all!
Money raised will help fund various projects, such as the dementia caf , bikes for asylum seekers , or our popular luncheon club . But in particular, we will be offering support for some of the many children who have fallen behind during the Coronavirus pandemic. We are partnering with local schools to deliver tutoring to those most in need of one-to-one help. Commenting on tutoring received before the summer, the deputy head of one school told us that:
By the end, the child improved in confidence during the sessions and in class lessons. The child really enjoyed taking part and looked forward to them every week... [Another child's] parent reported that the child was talking more positively about themselves at home after the sessions.
Their tutor also saw the value of the input the children received:
The sessions have been extremelysuccessfuland have helped boost both the confidenceand learning of the pupils who have been affected by the impact of missed time in school during the pandemic. A huge thanks to Community Lives Matterfor allowing this opportunity.
On behalf of other children who will benefit from this in coming months, thank you again for your generosity!