Can you spare a pound to help go towards saving a life? On Friday 1st October, we are asking you to support us by donating £1 on The Air Ambulance Services first ever Bring a Pound Day. You could do something to accompany the donation like, for example, wearing yellow or green on the day. There are a number of ways to get involved by bringing your pound into your place of work or school or go digital by using our virtual collection tin via JustGiving - everyone can take part even if your team are working remotely! Why not encourage as many of your colleagues and friends as possible to bring a pound and support The Air Ambulance Service.
The Childrens Air Ambulance is an inter-hospital transfer service flying babies and children from one hospital to another for specialist care.We work with 10 NHS paediatric and neonatal retrieval teams across the UK, enabling them to bring their specialist equipment on board to safely transfer their patients from one hospital to another. If a child is too sick to fly then the Childrens Air Ambulance can fly a specialist team directly to them.With our ability to fly approximately four times faster than a land ambulance, we can minimise travel times and the risk for little patients. For more information visit