On Sunday 5th September, Cardiff & Vale Breast Centre Appeal along with Caerphilly Nordic Walking Society are offering a sponsored guided walk around Cosmeston Lakes to the Breast Centre at University Hospital Llandough - all in aid of the Breast Centre Appeal.
ALL walkers are welcome to join in this lovely event: Nordic walkers, ramblers, experienced walkers, beginners, young and old all capabilities. The walk will take in the beautiful sights at Cosmeston Lakes Country Park (covering around 6 miles) before a further 4 mile walk to the Breast Centre at the University Hospital Llandough.
Any support for this event would be fabulous, and all money raised will support the Breast Centre Appeal.
At a time when patients may be very anxious they tell us it makes a huge difference to them to have a streamlined service at the bespoke Breast Centre with everything under one roof.
The Breast Centre Appeal raised the money to build the Centre, which is designed around the needs of patients and houses out-patient clinics and diagnostic radiology services together. Patients can have a mammogram or ultrasound and get their results on the same day; then if further investigations are needed these can also be carried out at the Centre.
Donations to the Breast Centre Appeal are also used to provide special bras for mastectomy and reconstruction patients and offer complementary therapies, pamper evenings and style and confidence sessions for women having gone through treatment for breast cancer.
Donations have also provided a physiotherapist for one on one sessions as an exercise prescription service, the first of its kind in Wales, a gym for our patients having surgery for breast cancer, private swimming and exercise groups at Splash Central for anyone who has had breast cancer surgery, and equipment and IT packages to enable patient contact to continue throughout lock down.