During this very difficult time we all need to pull together and help each other, and our dogs.
Most rescue centres are closed and unable to take dogs.
Therefore, Amicii put together an 'emergency' group for anyone who has an Amicii dog (although non Amicii dogs will be accepted if necessary) but needs help in looking after them because of covid19, whether due to illness, hospitalisation or unfortunately death.
The first person we could help was an 84 year old gentleman who was hospitalised due to covid-19, who sadly has now died. Bertie is an absolutely gorgeous, 11 months old, energetic boy. Hes not an Amicii dog but we were asked if we could help, so we have. We spoke to the gentlemans relatives who had been trying to get help for 2 weeks and had made countless phone calls and had become quite desperate, we could hear the relief in Phils voice when we said we would help.
Bertie is now in foster care with a view to adopting so hopefully it will all work out well for them! Bertie absolutely loved them at first sight and they loved him. What a happy ending from a sad situation for both him and his previous Dad.
We are sure we will be rescuing more dogs whose owners need help at this time. We will need funds to help with kennel bills, transport, and crates and support for the foster carers once they have been matched to the dog.
If you feel able to help with a donation, however small, it would be gratefully appreciated.
To be able to help anyone in their hour of need is a privilege. To be able to help an animal in need is also a privilege!