Do you have a special occasion; milestone birthday, wedding, anniversary, graduation coming up? Fundraising for your special occasion in lieu of gifts is a great way to help Ability Beyond raise funds to support the 3,000 adults with disabilities served in CT and NY. Let Ability Beyond help you celebrate your special occasion giving back and to Discover, Build, and Celebrate the Ability in everyone!
To Get Started:
Click the Start Fundraising button above and create your unique link and fundraising page.
Customize your page, and let everyone know why you're raising money for Ability Beyond.
Take to social media, email your friends and family, talk to your coworkers, make personalized asks. Put the FUN in fundraising by getting everyone involved!
Enjoy your Special Occasion!
At Ability Beyond, we discover, build and celebrate the ability in all people. Our organization is dedicated to empowering every person, no matter their ability, to have the opportunity to live, work and thrive as an integral part of their community. For more information about Ability Beyond, please visit our website: