In July, we are celebrating 72 years of our NHS. Thank you for marking this very special occasion by taking part in your own #72for72NHS challenge this summer. You will be supporting our family of nine NHS hospitals located across Manchester and Trafford, including Royal Manchester Childrens Hospital, Manchester Royal Infirmary and Wythenshawe.
The challenge is to raise £72 £1 for each year of the NHS.
You can run, walk, cycle, swim, hop, bake anything! What will your £72 for 72 be? Please visit our website for some inspiring ideas
72 years ago in July, the NHS was born right here in Manchester when Trafford General became the first NHS hospital.
We were the first hospital in the world to offer healthcare to everyone. For 72 years, our NHS has been here to support you and your family, and it will continue to be here for years to come. From your grandparents to your grandchildren, whenever your family needs our care, we will be here. Thank you for your support.
Remember to share your photos and tag @mftcharity #72for72NHS