The 62nd Bristol Scout Group (the Group) was established in 1913 and registered as a charity in February 1964 (Charity Number 302174). Our understanding is that in the 1960s the Group merged with the 141st Bristol Scout Group, although that name is no longer used. We believe it was also around that time that the Group moved from meeting at Horfield Methodist Church to the hut at Rozel Road.
The Group is currently a successful part of The Scout Association, with five full sections of boys and girls aged 6 to 14 (one beavers, two cubs and two scouts sections) serving around 150-160 children plus volunteer adult leaders (32) and helpers, meeting every weekday evening. The hut is also regularly used by an associated explorer section (around 30 x 14-18 year olds) and on occasion by other scout groups. The Group is very active and popular and consistently has a waiting list. The Group supports children in the local area and no child is excluded through the inability to pay, nor through gender, disability, race, religion or sexuality. Modern Scouting is creative as an educational and developmental charity aiming to bring challenge, adventure and fun to young people. It is a growing movement in this country and in the Scouting District.
The Group has been managing and maintaining the current building for around 60 years, and over the years has made improvements to the building. However in recent years, and particularly over the period of lockdown when the building was unused for over 12 months, the building has deteriorated significantly, and is fast approaching the end of its useful life.
The Group needs to continue to meet at the hut as, firstly, alternative community space is not available to the extent needed to provide the current level of service. In addition, modern Scouting at its best requires camping and adventure sports equipment that is not easily stored.
Strategically, we are well placed to offer Scouting to the surrounding community; a geographic move would be away from the young people we serve, many of whom currently walk to the hut.
We consider that a complete redevelopment of the hut is our only realistic option. We are in process of drawing up plans, making the hut/storage areas more fit for purpose and appropriate to our needs, at the same time significantly upgrading the energy efficiency of the building and accessibility of the building for e.g. individuals with disabilities.
We would intend to extend the use of a redeveloped hut to other community groups in the locality, subject to suitable users, something not currently feasible due to the poor repair of the building.