In 50 Million Voices (50MV) we place a big focus on giving people who stutter free practice interviews. This is because, for millions of people who stutter, employer bias and discrimination against stuttering voices means that job interviews often become impossibly high barriers which may never be overcome.
Consequently, getting a job, let alone a decent job, remains a distant dream for too many men and women who stutter. Indeed, recent research shows that for people who stutter, unemployment rates are higher, hours worked are lower for those stutterers who are in work, while earnings are also lower compared to non-stutterers - especially for women who stutter.
This is where 50 Million Voices comes in.
Our global Practice Interview events have already helped nearly 600 participants from over 30 countries and 5 continents to improve their interview skills, confidence and success. Demand for more events is high and we're trying to raise money to deliver them later this year and next.
Here's some feedback from 3 participants in our previous events:
"I wouldn't miss it for anything. My practice interviews have really helped me to be more confident and to stammer without regret. And my interviewers were amazing " – 50MV unemployed interviewee who landed a job a week after attending our event (and is still employed) - South Africa
“This was a big help. I felt more at ease, which enabled me to perform better and ultimately get the job” – 50MV interviewee - UK
"I was left feeling overwhelmed at the bravery of the individual I met. He chose his words very carefully and each one had a power that is lost when too many words are used" - 50MV interviewer - UK
By fundraising for us, you'll be helping more men and women who stutter to improve their interview skills, to pass their interviews and be offered a job - perhaps even the job of their dreams!