Caspyn age 2 , can only tolerate ~20 foods and reacts to external sensory triggers. He has never slept more than a few hours at a time, often due to gastrointestinal discomfort. He tolerates some foods after gradual introduction, but many continue to worsen symptoms including rashes, spasms, hyperactivity and anxiety. He has a benign mast cell tumour that flares when he is reacting,
The charity has many hundreds of children with a similar pattern of symptoms to Caspyn, all on similar medication but without a formal diagnosis. In other countries they likely would have a diagnosis of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), enabling patient cohorts for research. In the UK they are invisible to the system, there is no specialist centre and adults and children just go in circles seeing dozens of different doctors individually for their different symptoms. A specialist NHS centre focusing on this condition would save the NHS money . Your donation will help the charity support patients like Capsyn and their families and enable us to raise awareness and advance understanding of this condition amongst UK doctors.