Watch our 45 Reasons Video Series!
We hope you are enjoying our 45 Reasons Why... Prospectus Berco is celebrating 45 years of inclusion and opportunities for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities living and working in Berks County. As a trailblazer in the industry, Prospectus Berco led the way in transforming lives by adapting its services to meet the growing needs of individuals and the community.
Now as we continue to adapt our services to provide more opportunities for individuals to live the life of their choice in vibrant residential communities, working in community integrated settings, and exploring new hobbies and interests throughout their lifetime, we need you to step up and join us in celebrating this important milestone by casting your vote for inclusion.
Each vote is $10 and people can make as many votes as they like to help us reach our goal. Aside from promoting inclusion, your vote will help Prospectus Berco provide care safely by funding important projects like these:
-Electric beds for participants who need more direct care. The electrical beds will help keep our participants safe while easing back stress for employees providing direct care.
- Smart Locks for our Community Homes
- Automated External Defibrillators (AED)
- Replace Front Doors of Identifies Community Homes so they are ADA Compliant
- Lift Systems for Livingroom
- Bathroom Renovations
Thank you to everyone who has supported the campaign so far:
Harmony Walk 470 Votes
Prospectus Berco Employee Campaign 85 Votes
Anonymous Donor 700 Votes
The Scribners 45 Votes
The Stambaughs 50 Votes
Employees contributing to the 2022-2023 Employee Campaign so far:
Kim Alarcon, Michelle Alleyne, Anonymous, Michelle Caravetta, Megan Harris, Diane Long John Mapp, Jenifer Markowski, Marines Perez, Andrea Reber, Eileen Slovik, Chandra Smith, Zyirah Smith, Gina Strimple, Crystal Zaorski
Special thanks to the employees who kicked off the challenge with the Harmony Walk: Peter Gachamba, Maria Jones, Kim McCurdy, Laura Murga, Stacey Mikatavage, Jessica Penchard, Nikki Roman-Cruz, Jody Wagner
Thank you to the recent employees who purchased 45 Hundred T-shirts! We added another 13 Votes, putting us closer toward reaching our goal.