Sign up and join #TEAMSGCUK in the 20 for 20 challenge 2021.
We have joined forces with 19 other less common cancer charities to create a unique and exciting 20-day challenge.
Complete a 20 day challenge calendar at any time from September 20th - December 20th and commit to raising £100 for us. You choose the challenges and they don't have to be fitness related!
144,600 people in England are diagnosed with a rare or less common cancer every year.
Covid-19 has led to a fall in the number of people getting diagnosed with all kinds of cancer including our rare cancers. This is because fewer people have come forward with symptoms, patients have faced delays in getting appointments, treatments and also problems getting support.
The % of deaths from rare or less common cancers rose from 53% in 2001 to 55% in 2017, and we can only speculate the effect Covid-19 will have on these numbers. We will also see an increase in the number of people living with a rare or less common cancer. That number is estimated to be 1.63 million in 2030, and to 2.06 million in 2040.
Over the last 18 months, charity fundraising has been hugely impacted, yet the need for collaboration to bring people together, provide support and further research has only increased.
By supporting Salivary Gland Cancer UK in 20 for 20, you can help us and the other charities, continue our work. Help us to continue to provide information and support, raise awareness, host gatherings and push forward with furthering treatment options and improving outcomes for people affected by these rare cancers.
The picture is from our last in person gathering in 2019. We are hoping to host another in October 2021. Your support will help us do just that.