The need for the development of a new Community Hub was identified in 2018 during the Foxbar Local Place Plan initiative. This was the first time in Renfrewshire that the creation of a Place Plan had been led by a community supported by Renfrewshire Council and Renfrewshire Community Planning Partners. This new approach (considering land use planning, community planning and community action) aimed to get local people to become more invested in shaping their place.
The whole community was engaged in developing the plan a list of the engaged organisations is at attachment 1. The community developed a vision for Foxbar that has four broad improvement themes:
Civic pride care and maintenance of paths, streets and spaces
Community activity indoor and outdoor activities and events for people of all ages
Homes and community facilities homes for families and elderly people, access to health facilities, cycling, traffic and parking infrastructure, community buildings
Parks and green spaces Durrockstock Park and other green spaces, community gardening, facilities for children and young people
The participants recognised that resources and capacity for delivery these themes are scarce. This led to the development of nine priority projects. The graphic below shows how these relate to the delivery of the vision.
Whilst there are existing community and church hall facilities in Foxbar, all of these have limitations. The community identified that additional, complimentary space was required and should be configured to meet both current and future needs. Construction of this new Hub, designed by and for the community, will be a powerful signal of renewal in Foxbar.
The following elements are currently being considered in the design of the building:
- Main Hall space for group activities and games
- Storage for equipment
- Training / Meeting Room(s)
- Kitchen
- Office/Computer Room
- Toilets and shower
- Fenced outdoor space
- Parking
The new facility could provide daytime facilities for a variety of community users including both the young and elderly the focus of daytime activity being health and wellbeing. In the evening the 18th Paisley will be the anchor tenant making use of the hall at least three nights per week, with the facility being used by other organisations outside of these times. Weekend bookings could include family, social, sporting and cultural activities. The improvement of health, fitness and wellbeing of the community will improve because of the increased range of activities available to the community.
The vacant plot at Brediland Road is ideally placed to be the location of the new Community Hub. Whilst a number of car journeys are inevitable, the site offers the opportunities to reduce car journeys as there are walking and public transport options available.
Seeing this project come to fruition will be a boost to community confidence.