Our centre can house 24 dogs, 41 cats, 15 rabbits and lots of small mammals. Our staff dedicate their time to providing each animal with the very best care and love, but we want to go even further...
We are looking for 150 individuals, groups or organisations to take on the challenge of raising £150. If we hit our goal, we will be able to purchase: new agility equipment, ramps, tunnels and a paddling pool for our yard ; screening to enclose the yard during focussed training work with our dogs ; sensory planters for our kennels and cattery to provide calming and interesting smells ; herb planters to grow nutritious food for our rabbits ; new rabbit houses for all of our rabbit runs ; a cat exercise wheel for cats that need to release energy and relieve stress and boredom ; a shelter for our yard so we can still exercise and train our dogs if the weather is bad ; solar lights to illuminate the yard during the winter months , and much, much more!
Many of these items will be custom made to make the most of the limited space we have available at our animal centre, and will be made using strong and sturdy recycled materials that will last.
Sign up to be a 150 Hero today - full details can be found on our website: