Our mission is to support local children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds and challenging social environments.
We use outdoor and adventurous activities as a tool to connect with children, allowing them to access things like kayaking, mountain biking, archery, climbing, forest skills and much more.
A lot of our work is alongside schools, predominantly primary but also secondary schools, working with both small mentoring groups and full classes. Our aim is to support, educate, and encourage young people to allow them to become the best version of themselves, develop self-esteem and nurture positive mental health and well being.
Some of our projects are school grounds based, but the majority of our activities are away from the classroom environment - getting children out into the fresh air and accessing forests, beaches and waterways.
We rely heavily on our 2 minibuses and van to transport ourselves, our groups and our equipment out and about.
Sadly, our van and one of the minibuses are suffering from old age and fatigue, and their days are certainly numbered! We would like to raise over £10,000 to go towards replacing these vehicles. Getting our groups of children out onto their projects is paramount, so we want to focus on purchasing a minibus first.
Can you help?
Can you do 10 things - anything really to help us reach our target?
You can do a sponsored bike ride for 10 miles, bake 10 cakes to sell, run round the park 10 times, sail across 10 oceans, absolutely anything.
The main thing to remember is " 10 "
Our events begin on the 10th of October (10th month) and will run for, yes you guessed it, 10 months. So you can choose anytime to do your 10 things.