ISPCC Childline is calling on individuals and families across the country to help keep Childline listening by taking on an extra '1,000 Daily Steps for Childline' and setting up an online fundraiser to drive you on to reach the target!
Childline receives an average of 1,000 calls, texts and online contacts every day from children and young people who contact the service about all sorts of issues which might be on their minds. Childline is there to listen to them, inform and empower them and help them build resilience to cope with life's challenges.
It is recommended that we get at least 10,000 steps a day in, to benefit our mental and physical health. For many of us, this can be a challenge. ISPCC Childline is asking you to challenge yourself by adding an extra 1,000 steps to your daily routine to match the 1,000 calls, texts and online contacts Childline receives each and every day. This can easily be tracked using apps on phones, smart watches, fitness bands, etc.
If you can, why not go for a walk outside - in the park, at the beach, or even in your own back garden? It this isn't possible, can you stay active by undertaking a brief walk around your home, or even up and down the stairs a few times? Keep active at this time while helping to raise much-needed funds for Childline. We are appealing for your support. You can help to keep Childline listening.
To help keep Childline listening to children 24 hours a day, every day, sign up to take on an extra '1,000 Daily Steps for Childline' and create your online fundraiser today!
Thank you.