About Bardsley Youth Project
We work with young people aged 16-25 in Coventry during housing crises. We also work with those at risk of homelessness to find, secure, keep, equip and maintain accomodation.
Our service users are sometimes street homeless, or living in temporary hostel accomodation. However, the majority of them are classed as 'hidden homeless'. Hidden homeless is sometimes referred to as 'sofa surfing'
When young people join us they have access to 1:1 support sessions ( for help with applying for and navigating things like home finder, benefits, council tax, DWP, and other support services such as mental health services ) with their own dedicated support worker, relaxed drop-in sessions for support and social activities such as pool, access to our food bank, clothes bank, furniture bank. We also help young people move into their own independent accomodation if they cannot afford removal services.
Bardsley Youth Project
Bardsley Youth Project Registered charity number 1152836