Hey everyone,
This summer I'm attempting to climb the world's highest freestanding mountain and Africa's highest peak, Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. I start my trek on the 28th July and will climb for a week, using the Machame route, to reach the summit which is 5,898.7 metres high (19,340 ft). On summit night I will start walking at 1am (in -25℃temperatures) to reach the summit for sunrise. Every year less than a third of people who attempt to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, make it all the way to the summit, due to factors such as altitude's hoping I can do it!! After my climb I'm then heading on to work in an orphanage in a place called Iringa for a month.
I'm hoping to raise money from my climb, for a charity called 500 Miles.
500 Miles is a charity which aims to help amputees and other disabled people, in deprived parts of the world such as Zambia and Malawi. The training school that the 500 Miles students go to, is in Tanzania. The charity was founded by two very inspiring people from Glasgow (my home city) both of whom are amputees. To find out more about the charity please have a look at their website -
I'm hoping to raise money in order to help transform the life's of those amputees who may not otherwise get help and to help increase their opportunities in life. As they say, 'every little penny counts', so any sort of donation would be much appreciated.
Thanks very much for everyone's support so far and I will be sure to post my the pictures of my climb when I get back in September!
Andrea X
N.B To donate money please press the blue button "Donate Now." The money raised goes straight to the charity 500 miles.