So, I did it! Here's a picture of me, at the end, looking rather pink, but very very chuffed!
And everyone donated so much money that I increased my target four times and still beat it!
Thank you all for all your support
Hey everyone,
I am going to run the Women's 10K in Glasgow on 10th May and I want to raise as much money as possible for Macmillan when I do it.
Why am I running? Because I am horrendously unfit, do no exercise at all and have stopped smoking after twenty years when I don't really want to!
Why for Macmillan? Because they nursed my Mum's best friend last year and they do an amazing job and because then I feel like quitting smoking benefits someone other than just me!
So, if you feel you can sponsor me, I (and Macmillan) would really appreciate it.
Thank you very much