About AfriCat UK
AfriCat UK is a registered charity. We predominantly support and raise awareness of the AfriCat Foundation and The Namibian Lion Trust.
Our Goal:
“The conservation and preservation of fauna in Africa in particular by funding and supporting the development and implementation of programmes to conserve and protect the large carnivores of Namibia. To advance education in the conservation, protection, and improvement of the physical and natural environment.”
Since 2014, AfriCat UK (UK Charity Commission Number 1120026) has supported The AfriCat Foundation and The Namibian Lion Trust (Formerly AfriCat North). AfriCat UK raises funds for the various programs that have been developed by the Namibian charities to assist in research of key species, research of solutions to Human Wildlife Conflict, and the education of local communities in Namibia.
We have successfully funded research that has assisted in the better understanding of the Cheetah, Pangolin, Leopard, Lion, and Hyenas. AfriCat UK have funded the building of a school for local communities to improve the link in conservation and education for future generations. Many world renowned veterinary clinicians have based their research and resultant doctorates on the animals and facilities that can be found at the two charities in Namibia that we continue to fund. The importance of this research allows for wide-spread conservation initiatives that impact species globally.
AfriCat UK Registered charity number 1120026