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We work to bring all students in Philadelphia up to grade-level reading by providing one-on-one coaching with community partners.
Achieve Now Registered charity number 383920150
"Read, read, read for a successful and fulfilling life!"
Jim Beerer donated
$250.00 + $0.00 Gift Aid
"Literacy IS social justice! Great work, all!"
Liz Fenstermaker donated
$25.00 + $0.00 Gift Aid
"Happy & proud to contribute to this powerful cause! XO "
Kendall Beerer donated
$200.00 + $0.00 Gift Aid
"Your program is fantastic and gives the students the confidence and skills to become lifelong readers. Keep up the wonderful work!"
Veronica Cox-Emanuel donated
$30.00 + $0.00 Gift Aid
"Thank you for running a great program! Proud to be associated with Achieve Now."
Anonymous donated
$100.00 + $0.00 Gift Aid
"Love this program, keep up the great work. "
$50.00 + $0.00 Gift Aid
Alice Dailey has raised $903.81 so far
Alice's Achieve Now Giving Tuesday 2021
Emily Cook has raised $800.51 so far
I'm Fundraising for Achieve Now for Emily Cook because
Carlye Norton has raised $677.85 so far
I'm I am raising donations for Carlye Norton because I believe reading unlocks learning and imagination
Brittany Walker-Meade has raised $484.18 so far
I'm I am fundraising for Brittany Walker-Meade because we are closing the reading gap in Philadelphia
Steven King has raised $322.79 so far
Join me in supporting Achieve Now!
Chatara Benson has raised $290.51 so far
I'm I am raising money for Chatara Benson because I believe in transforming lives through literacy.