Yemen is trying to grapple with widespread food shortages. More than five years of conflict has deepened Yemens poverty, devastated its infrastructure, and caused widespread hunger and suffering. The Yemen crisis is getting worse, day by day.
Ramadan, the holiest month in Islam, a month of love, mercy, blessings and forgiveness. A month where you maximise great spiritual gains and upskill self-rectification. Our beloved Prophet S.A.W. said, When Ramadan arrives, the doors of Paradise are open, and the doors of Hell are shut, and the Satans are chained up (Bukhari). This is a month of giving, reaping rewards and multiplying your good deeds. As you carry out your preparations for Ramadan, keep in mind the many Muslims around the UK and the world who are less fortunate than us.
Al Medina 313 will be providing food packs in Yemen. Your support will help to ensure that families have access to food and water during these troubling times. The smallest donation may look small to us but can make a big difference to thousands of lives. The Messenger of Allah (saw) said "One who strives to help the widows or the poor is like one who strives in the cause of Allah" (Bukhari, 5038). For as little as £31 you will be contributing towards a food pack and already starting to bring a change to someone's life.