The highlight of the Yeldall year is always our Open Day; a chance for the whole Yeldall family - residents, ex-residents, staff and supporters - to come together for fun, fellowship and food.
Whilst you cannot come to Yeldall Manor in person this year, we are opening our doors for you to join us virtually.
We will be broadcasting live at 3pm on Saturday 4th July
on Yeldall's Facebook page (, YouTube ( and website ( There will be some worship, testimony and updates - hearing from men who are overcoming drug or alcohol addictions and building new and positive lives. Then at 4.15pm, we will to meet together on Zoom (link will be published on the above sites) for a virtual cream tea and chat.
Of course, we also won't be having the stalls and collection so, if you would like to contribute towards income from the event that would be very welcome. All donations will go towards the Bursary Fund, which is very much needed at the moment, helping more men to access rehab and turn their lives around.