Willow was born with a heart condition called Transposition of the greater arteries. At one day old she had her open heart surgery to correct this. At three days old she had to have another heart surgery to enlarge her arteries. She had good days and bad days with some side effects to the surgery. All seemed to be going well then within a week her health went down hill and no matter what the doctors tried to do nothing was working. We had to make the horrible decision to withdraw her care and on the 29th September 2020 at just five weeks old Willow passed away peacefully in my arms.
All the staff on the PICU at Glenfield Hospital, Leicester were amazing. They made you feel like one of the family. You could talk to them about anything at any time of the day or night. They really do care about all the patients and their families.
The entire experience for us was very difficult following our babies operations and complications, we spent a lot of time sitting outside waiting to hear from the doctors or talking with other parents in similar horrible circumstances. Throughout all of this we were supported by Heart Link. Whilst we spent our energy on worry and care, Heart Link spent theirs on providing the funds and support for basic things that allowed us to concentrate on being there for Willow. From providing rooms for us just down the hall so we could sleep nearby with a kitchen, washing machine and many more basics all the way to the diary containing her journey. Heart Link gave us the support we needed at a time we were most vulnerable and the memories we will now cherish. They even donated the bed that Willow slept in with an inbuilt heater to keep her warm through the nights.
Heart Link Children's Charity was formed in 1981 as a support group for parents and families who had a child suffering from a heart defect. They are committed to improving facilities for the young patients, their families and providing much needed medical equipment at Glenfield hospital in Leicester.
Thank you for supporting a great charity in memory of Willow.