Traditionally pre-school asks parents for voluntary donations of
essential items such as tissues, toilet rolls and wipes each half term, as and when we run low on these items. This means we can focus the spending of our funding money on resources for the children to use during session such as art/craft supplies, new toys and books. As you are aware, funding is tight and does not cover all of our expenses.
Due to covid-19 we are trying to reduce the number of items being brought into the setting from home to minimise any risk of transferring the virus. So instead of asking for parents to purchase these items to donate, we are trying something new thishalf term. We are asking parents, if they are able, to donate the amount they would have spent on these items to our essentials fund. We will then use the money from this fund to purchase those essential items that we need.
Alternatively, if you would rather choose what items you would like to donate, we have set up an amazon wishlist where items can be purchased anddelivered straight to pre-school.
We understand that covid-19 has lead to finances being stretched for many families and would like to reassure you that this fund is optional and voluntary and we only ask parents to give what they feel they can afford, or would have spent if we asked for donations in the normal way.
Thank you for your continued support!