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We are continuing to raise money to support this initiative our Father(in law) had many years ago - to give those far less fortunate in rural Bangladesh access to basic healthcare. In 2003 he was able to set up the Mozidia Trust not for profit organisation giving those living under the bread line the opportunity to see medical professionals as required through the Ideal Health Complex Hospital.
Having depended on the NHS for various reasons over the years, it saddens us to think there are many who will never receive the support we have. It is with this in mind, we would love to help whoever we can by fundraising to keep the hospital running and would love for you to join us on this journey!
This charity is one that is close to our heart. Any donation you can make would mean a lot and can make all the difference. There is no amount too big or too small!!
Thank you again for taking the time to read this!
Best wishes,
Umaimah and Shah