Since the outbreak of Covid-19 violence against women and girls, particularly domestic violence, has intensified. This is the Shadow Pandemic. UN Women Exeter Society are fundraising for North Devon Against Domestic Abuse, an incredible charity who provide refuge and support for families and single women who are fleeing crisis due to domestic abuse and need a safe place to begin their move after leaving an abusive relationship.
A note from NDADA:
The pressure of lockdown will increase domestic violence dramatically. We know this from evidence coming out of China and Italy and our own experience here where we have already noticed an upswing in requests for help. Women and children who can usually escape to a refuge or safe house are now confined with their abuser, with no option to leave and stay with friends or family.It's a terrifying idea, isnt it?NDADA runs the only Refuge in Devon, and we're asking you to give a small donation so we can provide more services and support during the lockdown. It will save lives. Please don't worry if its just a tiny donation - whether £1, £50 or £500, everything helps.Your donation will support children and their mums at the Refuge and help us provide urgently needed places for those seeking escape and safety.It will also fund activities such as online support services which women can access remotely (and without the fear of being discovered).