UCL Hiking

UCL Hiking Club Pride Hike

Fundraising for University College London Students Union


Donate £3 to Stonewall and join our Seven Sisters charity hike! You will get cool rainbow laces, and will be supporting a good cause with us!


-  Create a JustGiving account with your email if you don’t have one. This is to ensure that the hike info is sent to your email.

- Click on ‘Give Now’ on this page, and under ‘One-off’ enter 3 GBP. You can choose to type in your name and messages, which will show on this webpage! If asked to donate ‘small contribution’ to the platform, you can set it to 0% by selecting ‘Other’.

- Pay with your preferred method (apple pay, bank transfer, direct payment, etc). 

- Remember to check the box ‘I’m happy to share my contact details with UCL Hiking for the purpose of thanking me’. Otherwise the ‘thank you message’ containing all the details of the hike will not be sent to you.

- Complete payment and wait for the donation receipt together with the hike info to be sent to you via email.

If you have any problems or questions, DM us via instagram or discord!

About the charity

Students' Union UCL - we're the place where more happens

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £9.75 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations

* Charities pay a small fee for our service. Find out how much it is and what we do for it.