I've always hated running and put myself in the non-runner/not built for running category. I have even jumped out of a plane in the past to raise money just to avoid running! However, after being inspired by a good friend who completed the London Marathon in 2018, I decided to join a local running group, Five Star Active in Auchterarder, in January of this year. I've come a long way in 8 months and I can now say I love running! Because I'm a determined bugger and need goals to keep focused, I've entered my first half marathon which takes place on 22nd September! This is a huge personal challenge for me and so to make it all worthwhile, I decided to raise some cash for a fantastic charity, Includem. I'm very passionate about young people not missing out due to their background or circumstances, most of which are outwith their control. Includem provides extra support to young people and every single penny that is donated will go directly to the Young Person's Fund.
To encourage you to part with your hard earned cash, not only am I running the Scottish Half Marathon, I am also entered into the Auchterader Running Festival's very own Double Dare! This involves me running a 10k on Saturday 2nd November and a Half Marathon on Sunday 3rd November! So please donate as generously as you can to make these massive personal challenges worthwhile! Thank you for your support!
Includem’s Young Person's Fund provides extra support to young people we work with, many of whom are affected by poverty and don’t always have access to things that many of us take for granted. Over the years the Fund has enabled young people to access activities and facilities in their local communities, as well as providing emergency support. Whether it's swimming lessons or football boots, a place on a training course or a warm winter coat, the Young Person's Fund is there to make sure every young person gets the extra support they need.