My name is Thomas Dover and I have been with Troop 832 in Fort Mill, SC since the first grade. I just turned 17 a few weeks ago and I am coordinating my Eagle Project with the Anne Springs Close Greenway as my beneficiary.
I always knew I wanted to reach Eagle Scout. Boy Scouts has provided some amazing opportunities and allowed me to do things I would have never done on my own. I have been to Philmont in New Mexico and backpacked for ten days through the Rocky Mountains.
We have camped and backpacked through the peaks of Grayson Highlands and through the unfavorable terrain of Mt. Mitchel. I have been repelling, canoeing, mountain biking and so much more. I have also participated in Scouting for Food every year since I have become a Boy Scout. These experiences have shaped and changed me for the better and I would not have tried half of these things if I had not been in Scouting.
I am leading a team to build the first three wheelchair accessible picnic tables at the Anne Springs Close Greenway. This will provide a comfortable option for our friends in wheelchairs to enjoy the outdoors. I am hoping to raise $1,900 to make this project happen. Any excess funds will be donated to the Anne Springs Close Greenway. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I appreciate everyone who has supported me throughout my scouting experience.
Thank You,
Thomas Dover
For years, scouts have enjoyed group outdoor activities on the Greenway. It has been the meeting site for various groups and a popular choice for earning service hours for rank advancement or completing badges through environmental and educational opportunities. Through our projects, scouts have also provided the Greenway with items, structures that have increased program capacity and enhanced visitor experiences. These have included everything from gardens, benches and equestrian shelters to rock throwing ranges and outdoor classroom improvements. As I start my project, I want to thank you in joining me in offering something new to the Greenway too!