Team Schwartz/Hopkins - Tee-Off to End Prostate Cancer
Fundraising for ZERO Prostate Cancer
Fundraising for ZERO Prostate Cancer
Help us "Tee Off" to end prostate cancer by making a donation to benefit ZERO - The End of Prostate Cancer! Every 17 minutes, a man dies from prostate cancer. That figure is unacceptable, considering that the disease has a 99% survival rate when caught early. But not enough men are getting tested, and one in nine men will suffer from the disease in his lifetime.
This cause is very dear to us. We watched our father die after an 8-year battle with this awful disease. During his fight, he helped found ZERO and was the organization's first CEO. Other men can be spared from his suffering, and your donations are key to our success.
With your help, we can fund critical programs that serve patients and their families. We'll advance research into new treatments and a cure. You'll help raise awareness and enable life-saving early detection. Our impact will be vast, and we'll do it together! Thank you for your support of our celebration and ZERO - The End of Prostate Cancer.
* Charities pay a small fee for our service. Find out how much it is and what we do for it.
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