Sam will be participating in a tandem skydive for SECE Mind! I am pretty nervous about this, and will a huge challenge for me again!
South East and Central Essex Mind have delivered mental health support for 50 years! They offer counselling to children and adults. These talking therapies help people to overcome trauma, adjustment, bereavement, loss, depression and anxiety, and many other struggles we face in life. They have a team of expert counsellors who are able to provide excellent support for those in need.
They also provide housing with 15 tenants in a supported housing project. The tenants are provided with a support working, and all the additional needed support to make them more independant and integrated into society.
They also run a vital telephone, email and drop in service for those in mental health distress, which guides people to the help they need.
SECE Mind are a local charity, and are not funded by National Mind, and so are responsible for funding there own services.
Any donation is very much appreciated!!
Thanks so much!