Sioe Frenhinol Cymru yn lansio apêl goffa ar gyfer llysgennad gorau Cefn Gwlad Cymru
Bu arw Dai 'Llanilar' Jones yn 2022, yn dilyn dros 50 mlynedd o gyfraniad i darlledu’r ffordd wledig Gymreig o fyw.
Bu ei allu unigryw i gyfleu gwir ymdeimlad cefn gwlad Cymru yn dra hysbys mewn cyfres a ddechreuodd yn 1982 wrth i gyfres S4C Cefn Gwlad barhau hyd heddiw. Dros y degawdau bu Dai yn angor i amserlen ddarlledu S4C o’r Sioe Frenhinol ynghyd â’r Ffair Aeaf. Roedd ei allu unigryw i gysylltu â phob cefndir yn ei wneud yn llysgennad effeithiol dros fywyd cefn gwlad Cymru.
Dywedodd John T Davies Cadeirydd bwrdd Cyfarwyddwyr CAFC
“Am hanner canrif bu Dai yn agor y drws ar holl drysorau cefn gwlad Cymru – y cymeriadau, y cymunedau a heb anghofio da byw o’r safon uchaf. Fu ei gyfraniad i’r Sioe ar gymdeithas yn anfesuriadwy fel darlledwr a chyn Lywydd y Gymdeithas, ond yn bwysicach na dim,
cyfranodd Dai sut gymaint fel llysgennad effeithiol i’r ffordd wledig Gymreig o fyw. Ni ellir caniatáu i lysgennad mwyaf cefn gwlad Cymru fynd heb ei gydnabod''.
Bwriad CAFC yw creu teyrnged barhaol i Dai Jones ar faes y sioe ynghyd ag ysgoloriaeth goffa yn ei enw i hyrwyddo’r sgiliau yr oedd Dai mor angerddol yn eu cylch. Bydd rhagor o fanylion yn dilyn maes o law, a phetaech yn dymuno rhoi rhodd tuag at y gronfa goffa, byddem yn dra diolchgar.
Royal Welsh launches memorial appeal for the Welsh Countryside’s greatest ambassador
Dai 'Llanilar' Jones passed away in 2022 after having given over 50 years of his life to broadcasting the Welsh rural way of life.
His unique ability to convey the true sense of rural Wales is well documented in a series that started in 1982 as the S4C series Cefn Gwlad continues to this day. Over the decades Dai was the anchor of S4C’s broadcasting schedule from the Royal Welsh Show along with the Winter Fair. His unique ability to connect with all walks of life made him an effective ambassador for Rural Welsh life.
John T Davies Chairman of the board of Directors of RWAS said "For half a century Dai opened the door on all the treasures of the Welsh countryside – the characters, the communities and not forgetting livestock of the highest standard. His immeasurable contribution to the Royal Welsh Show as a broadcaster, former President of the Society and more importantly as rural Wales’s greatest ambassador cannot be allowed to go unrecognised’’.
It is the intention of the RWAS to create a lasting tribute to Dai Jones on the showground together with a memorial scholarship in his name to promote the skills that Dai was so passionate about. Further details will follow in due course, and should you wish to donate to the memorial fund, we would be extremely grateful.