Azhar Academy Girls School, established in 2003 has a capacity of 280 pupils, providing National Curriculum, Hifz, Aalimah and essential Islamic studies.
Alhamdullilah Allah has blessed Azhar Academy with an opportunity to expand as they have secured an agreement to purchase the Newham college 'F-Block'.
Despite the guide price being "in the region of £3.5 million" and the college receiving substantially higher bids over £3 million. It was Azhar Academy's significantly lower bid of £2.7m that was successful. This is truly a great blessing and a sign of Allah’s acceptance.
To aid Azhar Academy in this exciting new project, I ask you to donate whatever you can to support them and invest in your Aakhirah.
May Allah accept your amazing donation and make your contribution heavy on your scales, Ameen.