Pip Pilates


Fundraising for Sunflower Of Peace
Sunflower Of Peace
RCN 472620675


Dear All. 

All week i have been deciding what charity is best to donate to, to show some kind of support to this devastating situation for the people of Ukraine. If you feel as I do, pretty helpless as I go about my daily life, It only feels right to use any tools I have to put to good use so with that ...

A drop of water alone- together to create a wave. 

I am putting together an all levels Pilates class finished off with a guided Meditation for you Saturday evening 6.30 pm @Upton st leonards Village Hall. An evening class that will leave you feeling strengthened, stretched and relaxed. 

What better way to spend your evening. Swap it for that bottle of wine. That film and take away. 'For me a good book and a bar of Green & Blacks' :) 

Help yourself in the safe knowledge you have helped someone else at the same time. 

Class will cost a suggested £10 and every single penny will go to the charity Sunflower and peace. 

Helping Paramedics and doctors with first aid and medical packs. Here is the link if you would like to know more about them. 


Please email me for a place, come to enjoy and show your support. Bring a friend and share the info. 

I am aware it is short notice but is put together with out hesitation and quick action. If you can not attend here is the link to donate anything you can.

With Love 


Donation summary

Total raised
Online donations
Offline donations

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