I'm holding a Virtual Christmas Collection for Brighton Housing Trust to help replace the vital donations they're set to lose from their in-person street collections this year.
Throughout Covid-19 all BHT projects have continued to provide services and change lives across Sussex, and demand for their services is higher than ever. They have helped rough sleepers move into accommodation and continue to support those new to rough sleeping - between eight and twelve people every week in Brighton and Hove alone.
Last year, BHT prevented 927 households from becoming homeless.
Please give what you can to support their work so they can reach even more people who need their help.
A donation of £2 could pay for a client at First Base to have their clothes washed and dried.
A donation of £10 could cover the cost of a meal, clean clothes and hot shower for someone sleeping rough.
A donation of £25 could pay for an assessment and support plan to help someone move away from rough sleeping.