Hopefully with some form of hangover I am joining my good friend David on his Polar Bear plunge on New Year's Day.
Basically his outdoor pool here in Kabul is iced over. Current temperature is hovering between 0 and 1 degree C. We will break the ice before jumping in and then have a (very quick) toast before getting out hauling our frost bitten bodies out...
I have missed you all this year and am asking you to donate the price of a pint (as most of us are locked down anyway!! ) for me to do this as you know Nowzad is my passion. But the team here in Kabul cannot do what they do for the animals without you supporting them.
Video proof will be posted on my social media - we are doing this at 9.30am Kabul time.
Thank you - you make the difference. I truly appreciate it.
Happy New Year!