We all enjoy challenges. We all get egged on by one another. We all enjoy a good video game. Those elements are a melting pot of potential bad ideas, and terrible life choices.
When I saw Macmillan Cancer Support were encouraging people to raise money through insanely long gaming sessions, I decided, nay I found myself upon an inexplicably harsh road, without a turning in sight. Like I had prepared for this moment for years. Like, without knowing it, I and my comrades in arms (or... behind mice and keyboards...) had unknowingly built ourselves up for a feat of monumental significance. Something un-fathomable even in the wisdom of the ancients. Neither Socrates, nor Cicero, nor Boethius, nor da Vinci, nor Newton, nor Tesla nor Einstein could foresee the depths of Man's folly nor the lofty heights of Man's limits.
We are not heroes. We are just men. Men whose backgrounds have thrown us into the belly of the beast you see before us. Nevertheless, we shall rise to the occasion.
We shall not falter.
We shall not rest.
We shall not fail.
We will complete a 24 hour gaming marathon. And we will do it with pride. With resilience. Without shame.
With your help, we will raise some money - only some of us may fail - most likely Ryan - but for small donations, I am willing to accept his sacrifice.
We will do this. We can do this. With your support - we will stand upon the shoulders of giants... and play some video games.
Thank you in advance for your support. We will be streaming the whole thing (all 24 hours of it) on Twitch and uploading some highlights to youtube afterwards (maybe on the youtube thing anyway). So please feel free to watch and mock us. Hopefully we can make a small difference and show that gaming isn't all the bad news that the media so often likes to think it is.