It's back! After last year's roaring success, the Mobed sisters (and friends!) are taking part in another Christmas fundraising challenge. This year, we will be aiming to row the distance of the Channel (35km) on a rowing machine, once again dressed in some fabulous Christmas outfits. Weather permitting, we will be placing the rowing machine on the front garden of the Mobed residence, so anyone in the area is welcome to stop by and support (or laugh... probably laugh).
This year we will be raising money for Peace Child International and Cancer Research UK. Any support is greatly appreciated as ever.
With plenty of Christmas and aquatic spirit,
ElMo & JoMo (and friends...) x
At Peace Child International we believe in empowering young people globally to overcome poverty. We help the most disadvantaged young people in the developing and developed world to get a job or start a business of their own.