Honoring the memory of Wally Borkowski
Fundraising for ZERO Prostate Cancer
Fundraising for ZERO Prostate Cancer
Our beloved Husband (Misiu), Tatus, Wujek, Dziadziu and friend battled against prostate cancer with courage and honor. In his memory, we are collecting donations to benefit ZERO The End of Prostate Cancer, so that no more families have to suffer the pain and loss of losing a loved one to prostate cancer.A man dies from prostate cancer every 20 minutes. We can't accept that, and your donation is critical if we're going to end this disease. Your gift will help grow research for new treatments and a cure, as well as funding programs that ease the pain of men and families. You can provide direct assistance to the patients who desperately need it, and empower advocacy, education, and life-saving early detection.Our impact will be immense, and we'll do it together. We can create Generation ZERO: the first generation of men who are free from the pain and suffering of prostate cancer.Please make a donation today. Thank you for supporting Wally and ZERO Cancer.
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