For anyone who has ever known me, I think they would agree that my hair is part of who I am, my identity but ironically, I have actually had a rather complicated relationship with my hair especially when it takes an hour to brush! Donating my hair to the Little Princess Trust is something that I have wanted to do for a very very long time. I am finally ready to do it!
I have chosen to take the opportunity to support a local domestic abuse charity. Two women a week and 30 men a year are murdered due to domestic violence. It is more common than you think and it NEEDS to be talked about.
When relationships break down due to domestic abuse, people need support and there is very little resource available and what is out there is over stretched, particularly when it comes to emergency help with pets.
This is extremely important when it is estimated that 25% of people who experience domestic abuse return out of concern for their pets. Endeavour have a unique fostering service to ensure the pets get the best care during this stressful time which helps the individuals involved focus on other practical measures needed such as alternative accommodation and protecting their financial position.
I would also like the opportunity to tell you about Clare's Law. If YOU have cause for concern over your partner, you can receive information about any criminal activity relevant to your situation to help determine whether you are at risk or not. I urge you to use this service if you have that niggly feeling and tell people about it! Education is key.