Hi we are Melissa and Kevin Igbanoi
We felt not enough awareness is given to charities such as Sickle cell. Which affect a lot of people of colour and wanted to do our bit, even if something small. We have friends that were told that they would not walk or will die young and inspired by their will and fight.
We tried to think about the pain one must feel to suffer with symptoms of sickle cell but unless you experience it, guess you would never really know but we decided giving money was too easy and set our- selves the challenge to fast.
As we regularly travel to Africa we thought what better way to experience someone's pain by fasting not only as a cleanse but so many do not have the option to eat and starving everyday-
We will attempt anything from a min of 3 days but try and attain 7 (stopping at the earlier date should we not feel medically sound) and complete with a 5k walk and donating ourselves to top up any kind sponsors we get...
Thank you in advance for supporting a good cause- these charities need your help...
M & K