At Christmas I was shopping with my Mum in Belfast, and I noticed lots of homeless people cold and wet on the streets. It made me really sad, and I started to think of ways I could help them. So I set up this fundraising page to try and raise some money. For everyone who donates money, I will make you a test tube of hot chocolate, which will have hot chocolate powder and marshmallows in it. When you are at home drinking your nice warm hot chocolate, you can then remember that the money you donated will help to keep someone else safe and warm.
Since I started my fundraising, life has changed a lot and we are now in lockdown! But I think it is more important than ever to help homeless people in our community! So if you donate now, I will keep your details, and whenever it is safe to do so, I will deliver you hot chocolate test tube to you! Thank you so much for visiting my page, and I really appreciate any donation you can make!
Love from
Matthew Morrow, Age 8